You have a responsibility to:
Let us know if you are unable to come for your appointment – the space will be given to someone else. - Treat our health professionals, staff and other persons on the practice premises with courtesy and respect. The surgery will not tolerate violent or abusive behaviour of any kind, and any such behaviour may result in your removal from the practice list. In extreme cases, we will call the police.
You have a right to:
- Be registered with a practice;
- See the doctor of your choice;
- Be offered a new patient health check on registering with the practice;
- Receive emergency care at any time from the practice;
- Receive appropriate drugs and medicines;
- Be referred for a specialist opinion where appropriate, and to be referred for a second opinion if you and the doctor agree this is desirable;
- Have the right to access your medical records, subject to the provision of the Acts, and to know that those working for the NHS are under a legal obligation to keep your personal health information confidential;
- Choose whether or not to take part in medical research or medical student training;
- Receive a copy of the practice leaflet, which sets out the services provided;
Receive a full and prompt reply to any complaints about the service you receive from us.