GP Appointments
- GP appointments can be booked as telephone consultation or face to face.
- Every day their will be pre-bookable appointments to book, please phone the surgery and they will advise you of what is available.
- Urgent appointments will be given out at 8am as usual.
- All can now be sent to the chemist for collection please advise which chemist you would like these sent to when ordering, no collection from surgery will be offered.
- Prescriptions can also be collected from the surgery
- We will no longer accept prescription requests over the phone.
- You an order online through Emis Access please ask reception for details of click on link under prescriptions on this website
- By emailing your request to making sure to include your Full Name and Date of Birth and correct name of medication required,
- By posting them to us here at the surgery, or pop your prescription slip through our letterbox
Sick Lines
- All sick lines requested can be collected from the surgery.
Sickness Absence
* You do not require any form of certification during the first FOUR DAYS off work.
* If you are off for up to SEVEN DAYS because you are not well enough to attend work, then you should fill in a self-certificate.
* Anything OVER SEVEN DAYS means you will need a fit note (doctor's certificate)
Self certificate form available from the website
Please ensure we have your correct contact details

It is more important than ever to ensure we have your correct mobile AND landline number saved onto your medical record. Registering your mobile number will
give you greater flexibility and you will also be kept up to date with
important information about your healthcare and our services. If you have an email address this would be good to update also.
Please help by checking we have the right contact details for you.
Call the surgery on 01592 873321 if you would like to check or update your records.
Please spread the word to your family & friends who are not able to see this post
Thank you this link is for video consultation with your GP and is for appointment only arranged by the surgery
Visit Patient information on the video consultation,
Your cooperation at this difficult time is much appreciated.
Welcome to The Links Practice
With patients' needs at the heart of everything we do, our website has been designed to make it easy for you to gain instant access to the information you need. As well as specific practice details such as opening hours and how to register, you’ll find a wealth of useful pages covering a wide range of health issues along with links to other relevant medical organisations.
Navigation of website:
Please click on the menu button at the top of the screen to access the various sections of the website.
Access, Parking & Disabled Facilities
The surgery has level access and full facilities for the disabled. There is free parking while you are attending the surgery. If you have a hearing or visual impairment, we can arrange to provide information in a way that will accommodate your needs.
(Site updated 07/11/2024)